
Environmental education in FY2023

Environmental Education

Environmental education in FY2023

Komatsu follows a basic educational framework where common knowledge education is overseen by the Head Office, and specific education tailored to the uniqueness and characteristics of each division is managed by the respective business units. Various vocational training programs include environmental courses to raise awareness of energy reduction, waste reduction, and water usage reduction.

In FY2023, we focused on online training programs to develop and enhance the skills of internal auditors in environmental and safety practices.
Environmental education for newly appointed managerial employees, which has been conducted since FY2014, is also provided through online training.
While we already meet the legally required number of personnel with environment-related certifications, we are actively promoting planned acquisition to further increase this number.

Courses in environmental education and training in Japan (excluding general environmental courses) *

Independent Practitioner's Assurancecheckmark

  • In addition to the education and training courses listed above, Komatsu also held courses dealing with environmental issues intended for sales agents.

Number of persons having environment-related certificate

Independent Practitioner's Assurancecheckmark

Komatsu and Komatsu Group manufacturing facilities in Japan
(including Head office, Advanced and Core Technology Center, Field Testing Department)

Certificate name Number of persons with certificate*
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Pollution control administrators 225(35) 206(35) 202(35) 190(35)
Energy administrators 37(9) 36(9) 34(9) 31(9)
  • Figures in parentheses indicate the number of officers required.
env, production division