
Environmental education

Environmental Education

Environmental education

Komatsu is committed to employee education with regards to good environmental practices. Under our basic framework, provision of education is divided according to two unique categories according to type; Dissemination of common knowledge falls under the oversight of the Head Office, whereas specific vocational training is managed by respective divisions.

In FY2022, we focused on the online education programs for training and improving the competence of internal auditors on the environment and safety.
Environmental education for new managerial-level employees, which was begun in FY2014, is currently being provided online.
Despite the fact that we already meet the legislatively mandated quota of personnel with environment-related certification, we intend to implement further training in order to increase this number.

Courses in environmental education and training in Japan (excluding general environmental courses) *

Independent Practitioner's Assurancecheckmark

Head office

No. Course name Target Participants
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
1 Newly appointed manager training Komatsu Group newly appointed managers 155 207 182 213
2 Training new employees New Employees
(Komatsu and affiliates)
383 318 314 288
3 Advanced environmental education
(held every two years)
Environmental specialists
(Komatsu and affiliates)
19 - 19 -
4 Overview of the ISO14000 series Managers
(Komatsu, affiliates, and business associates)
46 98 182 259
5 Training of internal auditors / Refresher courses Environmental auditors
(Komatsu, affiliates, and business associates)
87 80 182 190
6 Development and manufacturing
Development and manufacturing staff
(for second-year employees)
190 208 202 140
7 Environmental training for manufacturing engineers Assistant foremen/ foremen/ manufacturing engineers/ students of Komatsu Institute of Technology 145 80 218 129
8 Lectures on the environment, experience-oriented education Komatsu Group employees 1,267 645 745 411
  • Note: Partially revised as a result of revisions to past data.

Independent Practitioner's Assurancecheckmark

Divisions overseeing environmental management at plants

Komatsu and Komatsu Group manufacturing facilities in Japan
(including Advanced and Core Technology Center, Field Testing Department)

No. Course name Target Participants
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
1 Education in the basics of auditing Managers and employees 196 57 57 35
2 Overview of the ISO14000 series Managers and employees 565 351 338 175
3 Training of internal auditors Environmental auditors 26 13 13 5
4 Training new employees New Employees 1,205 1,075 1,351 1,605
5 Regulatory education and personnel exchange Employees (and other participants) 15 172 123 247
6 Specialist training Environmental conservation practitioners (persons involved in regulatory affairs, etc.) 429 370 435 581
  • In addition to the education and training courses listed above, Komatsu also held courses dealing with environmental issues intended for sales agents.
  • Note: Partially revised as a result of revisions to past data

Number of persons having environment-related certificate

Independent Practitioner's Assurancecheckmark

Komatsu and Komatsu Group manufacturing facilities in Japan
(including Head office, Advanced and Core Technology Center, Field Testing Department)

Certificate name Number of persons with certificate*
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Pollution control administrators 220(35) 225(35) 206(35) 202(35)
Energy administrators 37(9) 37(9) 36(9) 34(9)
Environmental management system associate auditors 5  5 4 
  • Figures in parentheses indicate the number of officers required.
  • Note: Partially revised as a result of revisions to past data.
env, production division