
Scope of environmental data/calculation standards

Scope of environmental data/calculation standards

Komatsu Group manufacturing facilities in Japan

Komatsu Group manufacturing facilities in Japan, with a focus on the following 11 plants
Awazu Plant, Kanazawa Plant [including Kanazawa-Daiichi Plant and Kanazawa-Daini Plant], Osaka Plant [including Rokko Plant], Ibaraki Plant, Oyama Plant [including Komatsu Cummins Engine Co., Ltd., Industrial Power Alliance Ltd. and GIGAPHOTON, Inc.], Koriyama Plant, Shonan Plant [including KELK Ltd.], Tochigi Plant, Himi Plant, Shiga Plant, Komatsu NTC Ltd.
Logistics offices in Japan: the following 16 plants and centers
Awazu Plant, Osaka Plant, Rokko Plant, Ibaraki Plant, Tochigi Plant, Kanazawa Plant, Shonan Plant, Oyama Plant, Koriyama Plant, Himi Plant, Shiga Plant, Komatsu Logistics Corp. (Kanto Hokyu Center, Kansai Hokyu Center, Awazu Hokyu Center, Hokkaido Center and Kyushu Center)

Komatsu Group manufacturing facilities outside Japan

  • Komatsu Group manufacturing facilities outside Japan, specifically the 19 business units appearing on the world map below.
Overseas logistics offices: the following 10 companies
Komatsu Americas Corp. [Chattanooga][Peoria], Komatsu do Brasil Ltda., Komatsu UK Ltd., Komatsu Germany GmbH [Düsseldorf], Komatsu (Changzhou) Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., Komatsu Shantui Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., PT Komatsu Indonesia, Bangkok Komatsu Co., Ltd. and Komatsu India Pvt. Ltd
Komatsu Group manufacturing facilities including overseas: All 30 facilities listed above (11 in Japan and 19 overseas).
env, production division

Scope of Environmental Data


  • “Environmental Report Guidelines 2018” (Ministry of the Environment of Japan)
  • Basic Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Throughout the Supply Chain Ver 2.5
    (Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan)
  • Database on Emissions Intensities for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc. through a Supply Chain Ver. 3.3 (Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan)

GRI Standards

See the GRI content index

Period covered

Primarily, this report covers data acquired from April 2023 to the end of March 2024, with a portion of information that involves data acquired after April 2024.

Calculation base of typical environmental data

Classification Item Calculation Method
GHG Energy Energy Energy = (fuel, electric energy, etc.) x energy conversion factor
  • Fuels (other than biomass), conversion coefficient of electric power: standard heating value of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (2013 value revised in August 2018)
  • Biomass fuel: National Woodchips Industry Association (Japan)
  • Regional heat: site reported value (1.54 GJ / MWh)
GHG Energy originated CO2 = (fuel quantity, electricity quantity) x CO2 emission factor
Non-energy originated GHG = Gas emissions x Global warming potential (GWP)
  • CO2emission factor
    Electricity: 2010 value of IEA CO2 EMISSIONS FROM FUEL COMBUSTION 2012
    Fuel: Japan,Overseas;Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Greenhouse gas emissions calculation and report manual Ver4.7
  • GWP: Value of greenhouse gas emissions calculation, reporting and publication system
Energy, CO2 emission in basic unit Basic unit for each plant = (energy, CO2) / (Internal manufacturing value), index is a value with base year 100.
Base year: 2010
Total basic unit index = weighted average of the percentage improvement in basic units of each plant from the base year by the energy consumption ratio or the CO2 emissions ratio in the base year.
Location-based Scope 2 CO2 emission = purchased electricity quantity x CO2 emission factor
  • CO2 emission factor:
    Japan; Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Emission Factor by Electric Utility Substitution Value
    Overseas; 2010 value of IEA CO2 EMISSIONS FROM FUEL COMBUSTION 2012
Market-based Scope 2 CO2 emission = purchased electricity quantity x CO2 emission factor
  • CO2 emission factor:
    Japan;Emission Factor by Electric Power Company
    Overseas; 2010 value of IEA CO2 EMISSIONS FROM FUEL COMBUSTION 2012
    However, the electricity generated from renewable energy source has zero emission factors
Scope3 C1 Purchased product service: Product weight x emission factor + cooperating company CO2 emission amounts
C2 Capital goods: capital investment amount x emission factor
C3 Fuels and energy related activities not included in Scope 1 and 2: fuel quantity purchased x emission factor on the upstream side + purchased electric energy amount x upstream side emission factor
C4 Transportation, Delivery (upstream): Fuel consumption (amount) x Emission factor (coefficient according to Komatsu actual result survey)
C5 Waste from project: Waste volume x Emission factor (coefficient according to Komatsu performance survey)
C6 Business trip: travel expenses x emission factor
C7 Employer commuting: commuting expenses x emission factor
C11 Use of products sold: Σ (Production volume per product model x Fuel consumption(L/h) x Product life(h) x Emission factor)
C12 Disposal of products sold: Product weight x Emission factor
  Emission factor
C1, C2, C3, C6, C7, C11, C12: Emission basic unit database (Ver 3.3) for calculating greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through the supply chain of the Ministry of the Environment
C3 Fuel: Carbon Footprint Communication Program Basic Database (Ver 1.01)
CO2 emissions index during product operation CO2 emissions index estimated based on changes in product fuel consumption reduction, etc. in the aggregate year, with 2010 as the base year and no change in product composition from the base year.
Exhaust Sox Emissions Total for heavy oil, kerosene, light oil and coke:
Calculated from fuel quantity x sulfur content in fuel
NOx Emissions Total for heavy oil, kerosene, light oil, city gas, and LPG:
Calculated from Exhaust gas quantity x NOx concentration
Drainage BOD Emissions Calculated from Wastewater x BOD Average Concentration Measurement Value
COD Emissions Calculated from Wastewater x COD average concentration measured value
Water Amount of water used Total amount of water intake, including clean water, industrial water and groundwater
Intensity of water input Intensity at a plant = (amount of water used) / (internal manufacturing value); the base year of the index is 100.
Base year: 2010
Total basic unit index = weighted average of percentage improvement in basic units of each plant from the base year by the ratio of water input in the base year.
Waste Amount of waste Total amount of waste excluding valuables
Waste intensity Intensity at a plant = (amount of waste) / (internal manufacturing value); the base year of the index is 100.
Base year: 2010
Total basic unit index = weighted average of percentage improvement in basic units of each plant from the base year by the ratio of waste amount in the base year.
PRTR materials Amount of these materials emitted or moved Multiply the number of secondary materials used by the content of specified chemical substances and the rate of emissions and movement in accordance with the Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof (PRTR Act).

Main data, ISO 14001 certification acquisition coverage

The coverage rate of main data and ISO 14001 was calculated using the number of people as an index.

1. Main data coverage
Data coverage rate at production sites: 96%
2. ISO 14001 certification acquisition coverage
ISO 14001 certification acquisition coverage rate at production sites: 94% (If KMC is not included : 100%)