With the planet

Relationship between business activities and the environment

Relationship between Business Activities and the Environment

Relationship between business activities and the environment

Inputs and outputs in the product life cycle

The Komatsu Group procures various parts and materials and, through the manufacturing process, utilizes the earth's resources, including raw materials, water, energy, and chemical substances, among others, to provide products to customers. Such business activities have the potential to impact the environment at each stage in the process.

The Komatsu Group will continue to provide high value-added products and services while assessing the environmental impacts resulting from its business activities, formulating medium- and long-term objectives, and introducing measures to reduce such impacts.

Environmental Impact Resulting from Business Activities of Komatsu Group Companies, including Facilities outside Japan (FY2022)

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Environmental Impact Resulting from Business Activities of Komatsu Group Companies, including Facilities outside Japan (FY2022)
komatsu csr, env, corporate communication, 情報戦略本部, production division, Procurement Division, Development Division, Construction Equipment Marketing Division, ライフサイクル事業部

Environmental impact indicators by region

Scope1 : CO2 emitted directly by manufacturing facilities

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(by using generators, boilers, etc.)

Scope2: CO2 emitted indirectly by manufacturing facilities

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(by purchasing electricity, steam and hot water)

EnergyIndependent Practitioner's Assurancecheckmark


Water InputIndependent Practitioner's Assurancecheckmark


CO2(Scope1 and Scope2)

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Amount of generated waste

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env, production division