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Human rights policy

Human Rights Policy

Human rights policy

In September 2019, Komatsu established our Human Rights Policy and declared that we endeavor to conduct our business respecting human rights in compliance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and to apply respect for human rights in accordance with international standards throughout our global organization. Based on this policy, Komatsu develops and implements measures to prevent and mitigate negative impacts on the Group and our business partners' human rights, including suppliers, sales and service distributors, and further improves its processes to correct potential negative impacts on human rights.
This human rights policy has been incorporated into the Komatsu Code of Conduct (revised in 2021) and is thoroughly communicated by all Komatsu Group employees worldwide.

Human rights policy

  1. Scope of application
    This policy applies to all business activities and all employees of the Group worldwide.
    Furthermore, our business partners including suppliers and distributors are also expected and encouraged to comply with the policy in their own operations.
  2. Respect for human rights
    Our purpose is “Creating value through manufacturing and technology innovation to empower a sustainable future where people, businesses and our planet thrive together.” The sustainability policy based on this purpose advocates the realization of a sustainable society and growth of business, and clearly declares that as Komatsu Group, we shall respect human rights related to all of our business activities.
    We believe that it is essential to ensure that respect for human rights is firmly embedded within our company and therefore applies the human rights policy to Komatsu’s worldwide operations to conduct its business. This policy is formulated based on international human rights principles encompassed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In addition to promoting business activities in line with this philosophy, we promote activities that respect human rights in accordance with the “United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” and the “ILO Core Labour Standards”. Komatsu Group will comply with the laws and regulations of all countries where it conducts its business activities. Where established international human rights norm exists as well as national laws, we will follow the higher standard; where they are in conflict and will seek ways to respect internationally recognized human rights to the greatest extent possible.
    • Health safety
      We will, first of all, strive to “ensure a safe and comfortable work environment” and “maintain and promote employees’ health”, aiming to create a bright and vibrant work environment ensuring mental and physical health.
    • Prohibition of discrimination and harassment
      We shall respect diversity and treat and appraise each and every employee in a fair and impartial manner. We shall not discriminate against any employee on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, national ancestry, disability, marital status or other legally protected status. We shall vigorously promote equal opportunities for employment. We shall not tolerate inappropriate behavior and speech which prevents employees from working effectively and comfortably, or any type of harassment including harassment towards subordinate personnel, sexual harassment, or harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, or nursing care, in and outside of workplace.
    • Prohibition of child labor
      We shall not tolerate all forms of child labor. Furthermore, we will not assign young workers to late-night or overtime work, or to tasks that threaten their health or safety.
    • Prohibition of forced labor
      We shall not tolerate all forms of forced labor including bonded labor and human trafficking.
    • Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
      We respect the rights of workers concerning activities related to freedom of association and collective bargaining in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable to the countries and regions where it conducts business activities. Even in cases where freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are restricted by the laws and regulations of each country or region, we will faithfully accommodate, whenever applicable, dialogue and discussion with employees or their representatives.
    • Working hours and wages
      We comply with all the laws and regulations on working hours and wages applicable to the countries and regions where it conducts business activities and pays wages above the level at which employees can fulfill a minimum level of living. Furthermore, we set working conditions including wage levels that are competitive in each region.
  3. Stakeholder engagement
    When we talk about “stakeholders”, we refer collectively to all parties that are affected by our business activities. Stakeholders include customers, shareholders, investors, distributors, suppliers, local communities and employees. We will consult with independent external knowledge on human rights issues and respect dialogue and discussions with internal and external stakeholders to understand human rights related issues. We will regularly and publicly communicate our activities on human rights based on this policy through our reports and/or Group website.
  4. Local communities
    Companies cannot continue to exist without maintaining good harmony with the local community. We wish to be the most transparent company which actively seeks harmonious balance of interests with the local communities through close communication and contributes to the local communities as a valued corporate citizen.
  5. Human rights due diligence
    We conduct human rights risk assessments for our existing and new construction/mining equipment and forestry machinery businesses worldwide based on international norms such as the “UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” with the help of external experts. In addition to risk assessments, we will conduct CSR procurement assessments for suppliers and promote CSR procurement through improvement activities based on the results of the assessments. We will also perform risk assessments downstream in the value chain with the aim of proceeding with dialogue with all relevant stakeholders including distributors, and building an approach directed at responsible sales.
  6. Guidance for employees
    In order to ensure the effectiveness of this policy, we will conduct appropriate training and activities to raise awareness in employees throughout the Group.
  7. Remedy
    We have established and maintained a Global Compliance Hotline at our headquarters to take reports relating to non-compliance, including regarding human rights issues and make this Hotline number known to all Komatsu Group employees. Any employee who believes a conflict arises between this policy and the laws, customs, or practices of the place where they work, or who has questions about this policy or would like to confidentially report a potential violation of this policy, should raise those questions and concerns with the Hotline anonymously. In addition to the Hotline for Komatsu Group employees, anyone other than Komatsu Group employees who become aware of any circumstance or action that violates or appears to violate this policy or applicable law with respect to human rights, can file a report anonymously. They can contact us at https://www.komatsu.jp/en/inquiry/ or call at +81-3-6849-9701.

Established: September 2019
Revised: September 2023

  • This policy has been approved by the Sustainability Promotion Committee, chaired by the president.
komatsu csr, env, corporate communication, 情報戦略本部, production division, Procurement Division, Development Division, Construction Equipment Marketing Division, ライフサイクル事業部