With the planet

Our concept of environmental activities and promotion system

Komatsu Earth Environment Charter


Our concept of environmental activities and promotion system

We, at the Komatsu Group clearly defines the basic policies of environmental conservation, which will be the guidelines of business activities, when engaging in business activities while working to realize a sustainable society, and promotes environmental conservation activities.  

Komatsu Earth and Environment Policy (June 2022 revision)

Corporate Principles

1. Contributions to Realization of a Sustainable Society

Humankind must not only promote the further development of a prosperous and comfortable society but also pass down our planet earth and its indispensable environment to future generations in a sound and healthy condition.
We at the Komatsu Group define environmental conservation efforts as one of the highest priority management tasks, and endeavor to contribute to the sustainable growth of society by integrating advanced technologies into environmental conservation efforts in all our business activities. We also aim to achieve carbon neutrality with net zero CO2 emissions by 2050, and contribute to sustainable development through efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from products and in our manufacturing, and to establish a recycling-oriented society.

2. Simultaneous Realization of Environmental and Economic Performance

As a group of companies working to improve our manufacturing for the satisfaction of our customers, we at the Komatsu Group are committed to improving both our environmental performance and economic efficiency. To this end, we are constantly engaged in technology innovation to provide economical products, services and solutions through improving fuel efficiency at our customers’ workplaces and strengthening their cyclical businesses, while striving to minimize the environmental impacts related to the entire lifecycle of products from production to disposal.

3. Observance of Corporate Social Responsibility

We at the Komatsu Group promote environmental conservation by not only complying with the applicable laws and regulations of our host communities, regions and countries but also by establishing our own voluntary standards addressing global and local environmental concerns. Each company of the Group also strives to fulfill our collective corporate social responsibility and create value toward a sustainable planet and future through participating in environmental conservation activities in each region, disclosing environment-related information to society, and maintaining close communications with our stakeholders.

Guidelines for Corporate Activity

1. Initiatives for the Earth and Environment

We at the Komatsu Group contribute to sustainable development and climate change mitigation and adaptation through the following initiatives.

1)Response to Climate Change

We will reduce the amount of energy used and greenhouse gas emissions generated across the entire lifecycle of our business. We do not limit ourselves to cutting emissions from our bases and from the use of our products. Rather, we broaden the target to include customer workplaces in their entirety.

2)Establishment of a Recycling-oriented Society

Through our business processes, we work to minimize the use of natural resources such as materials and water, promote their reuse, or recycle them as much as possible. At the same time, we ensure the comprehensive reduction of waste in all business areas. We also contribute to the establishment of a recycling-oriented society by strengthening our forestry machinery business, which supports a sustainable forest management cycle of planting, cultivating and harvesting, as well as our remanufacturing (Reman) operations, which involve the refurbishment and reuse of components.

3)Conservation of Air, Water and Other Natural Systems as well as Management of Chemical Substances

We comply with not only local laws and regulations but also with our own established standards concerning the conservation of water quality and the prevention of air pollution, noise and vibrations.
As much as possible, we also ensure the comprehensive management of chemical substances used in our business activities, while continuously working to reduce the use of potentially harmful chemical substances or replace them with alternatives for the discontinuation of their use.

4)Response to Biodiversity

We recognize biodiversity as an important environmental issue, evaluate, understand and analyze impacts on it in all our business areas, and work on our tasks according to the criteria of highest impact and/or most effective actions.

2. Framework of Global, Group-wide Environmental Management System

Komatsu and major companies of the Komatsu Group will establish an Environmental Management System, and will work to maintain and improve environmental activities. Other group companies and suppliers will also work to establish environmental management systems that help to maintain and improve environmental activities.
Each company or business unit of the Komatsu Group will set its own mid- and long-term targets in accordance with the mid- and long-term targets set based on the Komatsu mid-term management plan, and will develop and implement specific activity plans. Top management will regularly review targets, activity plans and status, and work on continuous improvement.

3. Environmental Education and Communication

We at the Komatsu Group believe that it is important to enhance the environmental awareness of each employee. To this end, we will actively promote environmental awareness and education programs among all employees.
We will gather environment-related information from each company or business unit of the Komatsu Group, and strive to disclose information concerning all business activities. We will also facilitate proactive dialogues with all our stakeholders, such as customers, employees, local communities and suppliers, thereby further improving the content of our environmental communication.

  • This policy has been approved by the Sustainability Promotion Committee, chaired by the president.

Organizational Chart of the Environmental Management Structure


Organizational chart of the environmental management structure

Among our important business challenges, the Komatsu Group includes climate change in the objectives of our business strategies.
The Sustainability Promotion Committee and the Risk Management Committee all discuss climate change and provide advice to the Strategy Review Committee and reports to the Board of Directors, who establish a system that realizes appropriate supervision.
In addition, the Executive Officer Meeting controls progress in the achievement of the objectives.

System for reporting and reviewing environment-related issues, including climate change

Main themes regarding the environment, including climate change

Body Chairperson Major discussion items  related to climate change
Board of Directors Chairman of the Board
  • Discussions regarding goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050
  • Establishment of Sustainability Policy
  • Formulation of new mid-term management plan 
  • Report from the Sustainability Promotion Committee
  • Reports from research, development, and product planning divisions and the Chief Technology Officer
  • Reports from production and procurement divisions
  • Mid-term management plan progress report
Strategy Review Committee President
  • Low-carbon product development strategies
  • Mining business growth strategies
  • Forestry machinery business growth strategies
  • Smart Construction growth strategies
  • Growth strategies for major production bases 
  • Report from the Sustainability Promotion Committee
  • Reports from the Risk Management Committee 
The Executive Officer Meeting President
  • Progress in product development (including climate change-related KPIs)
Body Chairperson Major discussion items related to climate change
Sustainability Promotion Committee President
  • Initiatives for addressing ESG issues
  • CSR activity reports
  • Deliberations and reports regarding important environmental matters and key performance indicators (KPIs) 
  • Revision of environmental policies
Risk Management Committee Executive officer supervising general affairs
  • Report on responses to natural disaster risks
komatsu csr, env

Setting Mid- and Long-Term Targets and Progress


Setting mid- and long-term targets and progress

Komatsu has been moving forward under the new mid-term management plan from 2022. We set new ESG targets and expressed our commitment to sustainable growth through a positive cycle of profit improvement through growth strategies and initiatives for ESG issues.
Our 2030 target is to reduce CO2 emissions from product operation and production by 50%. 
The 2030 target, including other indicators, is as follows:

Mid- and long-term targets

Area Application Object Index Base Year 2030 Targets FY2023 Achievements and Progress
Products Construction Equipment
Mining Equipment
Forest machines etc.
CO2 Fuel consumption reduction 2010 50% reduction 22% reduction
Production Domestic and overseas production bases CO2 Improvement rate of basic unit 2010 50% reduction 51% reduction
Electricity Ratio of renewable energy in total electricity usage - 50% 25%
Water Improvement rate of basic unit 2010 2024 target: 70% reduction
2030 target: under consideration
67% reduction
Waste Improvement rate of basic unit 2010 40% reduction 54% reduction
Logistics Japan CO2 Improvement rate of basic unit 2006 39% reduction 41% reduction
Overseas CO2 Improvement rate of basic unit 2011 22% reduction 14% reduction
External evaluation - - External evaluation - CDP
A List
(Climate, Water)
DJSI World
DJSI World: Selected
  • We have achieved our previous 2030 target for water input volume (i.e. a 60% reduction in water input intensity compared with 2010) and are now considering a new target.
komatsu csr, env, corporate communication, 情報戦略本部, DFF Inc., production division, Procurement Division, Development Division, Construction Equipment Marketing Division, ライフサイクル事業部

Acquiring ISO14001


Acquiring ISO14001

Domestic Integrated Certification


Komatsu has implemented a Group-wide initiative to acquire ISO14001 certification, an international standard for environmental management systems. The objective is to enhance management quality by strengthening systematic steps towards environmental conservation.

《Komatsu ISO Certification Status》 *Except KMC
From 1997 Production sites in Japan and other countries began to acquire certifications individually.
2008 The Komatsu Group in Japan acquires integrated certification.
2015 Main production sites in overseas countries achieve 100% certification.
From 2018 Sales and service divisions are added to integrated certification in Japan.
2018: Komatsu Customer Support Japan Ltd. 
2019: Four bases (Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Fukuoka) of Komatsu Industries Corp.
2022:One base(Kantou)of Komatsu Industries Corp.
  • Except KMC: KMC has been carrying out internal audits by specialists from KMC or Komatsu headquarters.

Scope of the integrated certification in Japan

Global operations list of certified sites

Environmental policies of plants in Japan

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