With people

Occupational safety and health

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational safety and health

Occupational safety and health is a core component in Komatsu's business operations. In line with this commitment, Komatsu thus enhances safety at the workplace for our employees and business partners.


Safety, health, and health management promotion structure


The Komatsu Group promotes safety, health, and health management as per the following structure.

Meeting committee structure

The Komatsu Group holds various meetings to discuss and share information on safety, health, and health management, including the following:

Group Safety and Health Conference

This conference convenes with the aim to increase awareness regarding safety and health for employees of the Komatsu Group and partner companies while raising the level of safety and health activities. It involves sharing activity policies, priority items, and outstanding safety and health activities, and disseminating this information within individual departments. The conference also includes the presentation of presidential awards related to safety and health.

Group Safety and Health Committee (Japan)

This committee, comprising both labor and management, investigates, deliberates, and decides on fundamental measures to eliminate workplace risks and prevent health hazards.

Major items to be examined and discussed:
  • Formulation of safety and health regulations
  • Discuss and decide on annual activity policies and manage progress of activities, etc.

Global Conference for Safety and Health in the Community

We shall share and discuss information on safety, health, and the environment in each region globally, leading it to the safe and healthy activities of each overseas subsidiary. In FY2023, we held the conferences in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia and China.

Meeting on Mid-Term Health Planning (Japan)

  • Formulates and makes proposals for all company policies related with safety and health practices.
  • Summarizes health management activities of each company and business location.

Health Promotion Committee (Japan)

This committee consists of business owners and employees (organized by Komatsu Union) as well as the Health Insurance Society. This occasion affirms a common recognition of "Health", and formulates measures and policies aimed to enhance the health care for employees and their families.


Basic policy on safety, health, and health management

As a guiding principle for employee actions, “Safety & Health, Compliance, Quality, Delivery, Cost” are prioritized, with safety and health taking precedence. Additionally, based on the President’s “Message concerning Occupational Safety and Health,” the entire group is committed to ensuring a safe and secure work environment and promoting the maintenance and improvement of employee health. To achieve this, all employees work together to actively advance safety and health management activities under the established “Safety and Health Policy.”

Occupational safety and health policies

Health management activities are promoted not only within the group companies in Japan but also in collaboration with the overseas group companies. Furthermore, the domestic Komatsu Group has embarked on creating a “Health Culture” beyond traditional health management. Since FY2014, it has implemented the “Five-Year Health Development Plan” as a medium-term plan for health promotion aimed at “implementing outstanding health management” and “improving employees’ health literacy,” and since FY2019, it has been promoting the “Second Health Development Plan.” The “Health Culture” that the Komatsu Group aims for is one where individuals and their colleagues are attentive to their health, consider necessary actions, and take steps to lead a better life. To strongly promote these efforts, the Komatsu President announced the "Komatsu Health Declaration" in June 2014, and revised it in April 2019.

Safety, health, and health management initiatives

Safety and health key initiatives of Komatsu group in FY2023

We set key activity items and our target values and are promoting the following activities throughout the Komatsu Group.

[Safety and health management]

Major disaster elimination activities

  • Enhancement of compliance risk management.
  • Elimination of accidents involving inexperienced workers
  • Activities to maintain and improve occupational safety and health management systems.

[Health management]

Global Health Management Activities

Improvement of employees’ health literacy

  • Extension of healthy life expectancy

▷ Tobacco-related diseases

▷ Lifestyle improvement

  • Mental health

Working to achieve a mid-term health development plan

In FY2023, the Komatsu Group has promoted activities under the Five-Year Health Development Plan (FY2014) and the Second Health Development Plan (FY2019) to “implement outstanding health management” and “improve employees’ health literacy*.”
For the Second Heath Development Plan, while continuing the activities related to the previous mid-term plan, we have promoted the creation of a lifelong culture of health by strengthening support for work-life balance, primary preventative actions (lifestyle improvements), and by establishing systems and environments to “improve employees’ health literacy,” such as the introduction of ICT tools.

  • Capability of voluntarily practicing healthy actions (lifestyle improvement/maintaining an appropriate exercise regimen and diet, etc.)

Major accomplishments in FY2023 are listed below:

Item Initiative KPI Result Goals
FY2022 FY2023
Improvement of Health Literacy Enhancing the ability to acquire, understand, select, and utilize accurate health information necessary for individuals to engage in proactive health behaviors Communicative and Critical Health Literacy Scale*1 3.54 3.55 3.7 or higher
Cancer and lifestyle diseases Increase the percentage of employees using the various health checkup consultations for the early detection and treatment of cancer and lifestyle diseases and the prevention of severe diseases Regular check-up percentage 100% 100% -
(Reference) Secondary health check-up percentage 98.5% 98.9% 100%
Milestone checkup consultation percentage 88.2% 84.4% 95% or more
Female cancer checkup consultation percentage 56.9% 58.2% 80% or more
Tobacco-related diseases Reduce secondary exposure to cigarette smoke and smoking percentage Percent of the Komatsu Group in Japan that smokes 28.4% 28.5% Not more than the national average of smokers (16.7%)
Lifestyle improvement Establish a system or environment that leads to the improvement of motivation to improve or promote the healthy lifestyles of employees (e.g. diet and exercise) Percent of employees with Healthy Action Competency*2 52.7% 53.8% 60% or more
Mental health Reduce the number of individuals with mental disorders, provide early care, appropriately support their return to workplaces, and create a happy and vigorous workplace Percentage responding to our recommendation to interview employees under high stress 99.0% 97.7% 100%
(Reference) Stress check implementation percentage 99.1% 98.6% -
Percentage responding to high-stress workplaces 97.0% 100.0% 100%

(Scope of aggregation: All employees of the Komatsu Group in Japan)

*1 The figures are calculated based on the average score out of 5 for the five questions in the questionnaire (1. Information collection, 2. Information selection, 3. Understanding and communication, 4. Reliability assessment, 5. Planning and action).
*2 Capability of voluntarily practicing healthy actions (lifestyle improvement/maintaining an appropriate exercise regimen and diet, etc.)

Item Initiative Result
FY2022 FY2023
Absenteeism Average number of days lost per employee per year due to mental health issues 1.28 days/year 1.52 days/year *3
Presenteeism Evaluate one's own work performance over the past four weeks, assuming 100% performance when there is no illness or injury
Presenteeism = 100 - Average score of all employees
9.9% 14.8% *4

*3 FY2022: Number of subjects: 23,224 people FY2023: Number of subjects: 23,028 people
*4 FY2022: Number of participants: 19,575 people (response rate: 99.8%) FY2023: Number of participants: 21,334 people (response rate: 98.5%)

Introduction of the Komatsu health promotion 100 (KHP100)

As part of the "Lifestyle Improvement Promotion" of the "Second Health Promotion Plan," in FY 2021, we launched the Komatsu Health Promotion 100 (KHP100) in cooperation with the Komatsu Health Insurance Association to further promote employees’ health and health literacy.
Under KHP100, we distribute wearable devices to employees who wish to use them to visualize their physical activity and exercise. We also offer walking and other health events on a health portal that can be linked to the device, providing employees with opportunities to change their health-related behavior.

Komatsu receives the "Sports Yell Company 2023" award

Komatsu has received the "Sports Yell Company 2023" award sponsored by the Japan Sports Agency in recognition of its efforts in KHP100.
The "Sports Yell Company" is a system that recognizes companies that are actively engaged in promoting sporting activities to enhance employees’ health, encourage hard-working people to play sports, and foster social momentum for sports.

Awarded the Excellence Prize at the "Extend Healthy Life Expectancy Award"

Our efforts to encourage and disseminate activities promoting the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases have been recognized, earning us the Excellence Prize at the "Extend Healthy Life Expectancy Award" organized by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the Japan Sports Agency.

The "Extend Healthy Life Expectancy Award" aims to encourage and disseminate outstanding awareness activities and initiatives for the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. This award system recognizes companies, organizations, and municipalities that are undertaking excellent initiatives.

Supporting supplier's safety activities

For details on the safety activities for the member companies of Midori-kai, an organization made up of our business partners (suppliers), please click "Support for Member Companies of the Komatsu Midori-kai" .



Incidence rate of occupational accidents (Frequency rate of lost worktime)

  1. The data for all industries (Japan) and construction and mining equipment manufacturing industry (Japan) are provided by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
  2. The scope of the Komatsu Group (Japan) includes Komatsu Ltd. and group companies in Japan, with the addition of Komatsu Safety Training Center, KCS, and KBS from FY2023.
  3. The scope of the Komatsu Group (global) includes "Komatsu Group (Japan)" and overseas production plants.
komatsu csr, env, 安全・健康推進部